Night Witches (Episode 4)


Night Witches is a game that follows the airwomen of the 588th Night Bomber Regiment. They flew in obsolete bi-planes, at night, with no parachute. 

Things are desperate. It is incredibly dangerous. They fly in darkness, sometimes a dozen missions each night. The Soviet army wishes they didn’t exist and nobody expects them to succeed. They are going to succeed anyway.

Night Witches is available through Bully Pulpit Games and is written by Jason Morningstar

This campaign was chosen my our Patreon supporters poll. If you'd like to help choose the next game we record consider supporting us on Patreon at

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Terrible Warriors Twitter = @dicewarriors Instagram = @terriblewarriors
Justin Twitter & Instagram = @MrEcock
Neil Instagram = @Neil.T.Tattoos
Joshua Twitter = @JoshuaBarbeau Instagram = @zinger2099

Terrible Warriors: Justin Ecock, Neil Tavares, Joshua Barbeau, and Jo Drummond

To learn more about the Night Witches, this week we’re recommending “Wings, Women, and War: Soviet Airwomen in World War II Combat” by Reina Pennington