Year One - Pathfinder: Nightmare Lake

The Terrible Warriors are on vacation!
We'll return in September with all new campaigns to enjoy and share but for now we're going to go to the wayback machine and bring back some of our favourite campaigns from the first year of Terrible Warriors....

At long last The Terrible Warriors take on the beloved Pathfinder RPG. Taking on the role of a group of mercenaries (mostly chaotic alignment) Tom, Derek, Conal, Mike and Justin swagger into Freeport and already start derailing the plot right on the deck of the ship. From there it degrades quite quickly into the kind of classic pen and paper insanity that one would expect from a group of “heroes”.

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Follow Mike @BirdmanDodd
Follow Justin @MrEcock
Follow Big Mike @BigMikeD20
Follow Tom @Hesanevilgenius
Follow Conal @DoctorTerawatt
Follow Derek @Derekthebard

Terrible Warriors: Mike "Birdman" Dodd, Justin Ecock, Tom White, Big Mike, Derek Burrow and Conal Macbeth