Star Trek: Adventures - Living Campaign - The Displaced (Part 3 of 4)


Space, the thing we have to cross...
These are the voyages of the U.S.S. Horizon.
Its ongoing mission,
to fly in head strong outnumbered 4 to 1,
to tell two colliding planets to get along, 
and to try and calm down this alien dude long enough to find out how to save and entire civilization..

A new chapter in the ongoing Star Trek: Adventures "Living Campaign" from Modiphius.

"Assessor's Gambit" written by Jim Johnson

Listen to this campaigns' pre-gaming chat exclusively on Patreon:

Follow us on Twitter and/or Instagram!
Terrible Warriors Twitter = @dicewarriors Instagram = @terriblewarriors
Justin Twitter & Instagram = @MrEcock
Neil Instagram = @Neil.T.Tattoos
Velvet Twitter = @velvetduke
Conal Twitter = @DoctorTerawatt
Joshua Twitter = @JoshuaBarbeau
Erika Twitter & Instagram = @erikaszabo

Terrible Warriors: Neil Tavares, Velvet Duke, Conal Macbeth, Erika Szabo, and Justin Ecock

"Star Trek: Adventures" published by Modiphius Entertainment


You can can book Justin today to run your game at the Storm Crow Manor in Toronto, Ontario by visiting!