Star Trek: Adventures - Living Campaign - The Displaced (Part 4 of 4)


Space, the thing we have to cross...
These are the voyages of the U.S.S. Horizon.
Its ongoing mission,
to press on against all odds, 
to help the helpless,
and to choose to boldy go where no one has ever gone before... 

A new chapter in the ongoing Star Trek: Adventures "Living Campaign" from Modiphius.

"Assessor's Gambit" written by Jim Johnson

Listen to this campaigns' pre-gaming chat exclusively on Patreon:

Follow us on Twitter and/or Instagram!
Terrible Warriors Twitter = @dicewarriors Instagram = @terriblewarriors
Justin Twitter & Instagram = @MrEcock
Neil Instagram = @Neil.T.Tattoos
Velvet Twitter = @velvetduke
Conal Twitter = @DoctorTerawatt
Joshua Twitter = @JoshuaBarbeau
Erika Twitter & Instagram = @erikaszabo

Terrible Warriors: Neil Tavares, Velvet Duke, Conal Macbeth, Erika Szabo, and Justin Ecock

"Star Trek: Adventures" published by Modiphius Entertainment


You can can book Justin today to run your game at the Storm Crow Manor in Toronto, Ontario by visiting!